Sunday, January 3, 2010

Walking on water and developing software to specification are easy as long as both are frozen

Developing software is pretty complex, but it’s not exactly rocket science, right? You find out what you want created, you get a number of software developers that has studied how the technicalities work, and after a time you end up with a good, working piece of software. Correct?

It's a shame how few reading this can actually agree with it. Why is that? And can anything be done about it? If you have a few decent developers (they don't have to be that good), a small set of requirements, a business expert they can discuss those requirements with... You know what - you just got yourself the perfect recipe for a good working system. Fingers crossed!

Unfortunately the previous description doesn't map to many real systems. One of the biggest problems is that requirements change. This affects all parts of software development, but no other part can influence the result of this like the process used. Back in the days, and still in practice quite a few places today, they tried to scale the previously described way of solving software development no matter the size of the project. You just collect and analyze all the requirements, find a number of developers to implement the system, get one or more architects based on some measure of experience to help design the structure, plan and discuss the requirements, implement it, test it and release it. That works to a certain extent, to a certain size, for certain organizations, but it has many limitations. I'm not going to try to cover those extensively now, but it includes

  • You've got one shot at coming up with the features for the system. Now guess what happens -> You will try to come up with as much as humanly possible, important or not
  • You have little idea how the system is actually going to look or feel or just how it can be used -> You will try to make the requirements cover everything. This isn't really a bad thing, but can be quite a complex process.
  • Price the project beforehand, to move the risk of development to a software company -> Do you think those requirements change sessions will be fun?
  • Your understanding of what the system can bring you, what you really need it to do, and just how it can do that the best -> Will change!

The whole point of this post has become very well understood in the industry - requirements change, and you'll have to cope with that one way or another. If you want a useful system that is. A number of smart people put their heads together back in 2001 and came up with the "Manifesto for Agile Software Development", and a number of principles behind it.

What was the cure they came up with? Besides a few other good points, it was the formalization of an old principle - tackle complexity by dividing a problem into smaller, manageable pieces. (Note: The original paper on the Waterfall model did cover the importance of a certain amount of iterative behavior, but I guess it was lost to quite a few people on the way.) If you’re trying to tackle all problems at once – or in other words not developing software in an iterative manner, make sure you have very good reasons for it. Unless the project is small, with clearly defined knowledge and boundaries, you’re going to have a hard time producing the system you really need. Do you do it for control? There is no real form of control  in software besides working software.

Is process the only thing you have to think about when handling change in software development? Not by a long shot, but it is an important part of it. I will cover more areas soon.

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